The Chamber is a volunteer group made up of businesses, individuals, organizations, and agencies whose common goal is to make Kamiah a great place to live, work and play. They showcase several community based events.
A vacation is supposed to be relaxing. Why wear yourself out fighting the crowds & traffic of the National Parks? We have it all here in Kooskia, Idaho!!
Weather for Kamiah Idaho
Long Camp RV Park in Kamiah Idaho on Hwy 12 at milepost 68. We're on the shores of the Clearwater River.
Information about Idaho RV Campgrounds
Welcome to the Nez Perce-Clearwater National Forests—4.0 million acres of beautiful and diverse land, located in North Central Idaho.
The historic pathway that opened opened up the unexplored West. Lewis and Clark may have either floated by boat or walked the bank by Long Camp RV park.
Tribal Organization - Nez Perce Tribe
Idaho transportation department always has current weather/road conditions and cameras that you can look through to see what the roads are like.
Heart of the Monster is located on US Hwy 12 at Mile Marker 68.5, just outside of Kamiah.
Dworshack is our area fish hatchery that controls the chinook, stealhead, and salmon runs. They provide current fishing conditions. Their website contains information on all of the above as well as directions to get there.
We are Idaho's Outdoor Recreation Hometown and you will find our community welcoming in every aspect. From pleasant lodging, to the finest in restaurants and truly exciting recreational opportunities you will find Idaho a four seasons destination in the h...
The most spectacular way to experience Hells Canyon is on the Snake River. Commercial jet-boat and float trips are available throughout the year. You’ll see North America’s deepest gorge from the bottom up!
There are two scenic drives available that offer views of Hells Canyon and the Seven Devils Mountains. Both are USFS maintained roads and are well worth the drive. Drive #1 is a little rugged, but very scenic...